P.E | 24

HHS Athletic Sports 2024 – Blog reflection


You are to make an interesting blog reflection of athletics in term 1. Include colour, pictures and positive information. You must write at least 150 words on your post, so answers should not be 1-2 words.


I chose to participate in these events 

Long jump High jump Shot put

Discus Sprints Long distance running  Javelin


The weather was rainy so it got canceled.

I felt good when I got quite a bigger discus throw than my old school.

Something/someone that surprised me was Mereana

My friend Mereana did well in Long jump

One thing that I could have done was Discus

The highlight of my day was that it started raining

Next year I hope to do good and like to give it my all.


Touch rugby reflection – Term 2  


This term in PE we have been learning about Touch Rugby.


Touch Rugby is played with 6 players on each team on the field at one time..


The field is 50 m wide x 70 m in length.


The equipment needed is a rugby ball, cones, bibs.


Here are some of the rules:


  1. No tackling.


  1. No dropping the ball.


  1. No forward passes.


  1. 6 touches then turnover.


  1. Defending team must be 5 meters away after a touch.


One thing I improved at was kicking the ball.


One thing I enjoyed was being in a team with people I associated well with.


I could keep working on my catching.


I enjoyed playing on the same team as my friends. because it made me want to actually play.


I sometimes bring my PE gear to school.


Out of 10, I would give myself a 7 for effort because I cooperated well and actually liked playing touch rugby with my classmates.


Health | 24


Human Knot Game

Two weeks ago we played this game called “The Human Knot Game”, basically we had to get into a team (we did boys vs girls) and we just had to link our arms with the person infront of us and like beside us. This game was affecting our Taha Whanau and Taha Hinengaro positively by working together and finding out and instructing on how to untie and win. The girls won and for that we got chocolates and lollies, It was fun.


Drawing Game

Today we had to do a drawing game where we had be in partners and me and Siu got into partners and we had too do two rounds of the game. We had to get a random picture and try and explain it the best we can and then after 5 minutes we stopped and had to show them, it affected my taha whanau and taha hinengaro positively. WE CAME 1st!!!

– our drawing (round 1 was supposted to be 4 cats bunched up together and round 2 was supposed to be a dog laying in the sand at the beach).


Freedom Fighters


We’re learning about people having to fight for their life.


Mahatma Gandhi


Name: Mahatma Gandhi


Born: India


Place of Birth: Porbandar


Job: Author, Revolutionary, Peace Activist, Freedom Fighter, Philosopher, Political Campaigner, Politician, Advocate, Journalist, Civil Rights Activist.


Belief/Faith: Gandhi of course was born a Hindu but his interpretation of Hinduism was his own. While keeping firm roots in ancient Hinduism, he welcomed contact with other religions, especially the Christian doctrines.


What did he want for India?: From that point on, Mahatma Gandhi’s goal was clear – Indian independence. He soon became a leading figure in the home-rule movement. The movement called for mass boycotts of British goods and institutions.


How did he go about getting it? – Actions: Gandhi organized Indian resistance, fought anti-Indian legislation in the courts and led large protests against the colonial government. Along the way, he developed a public persona and a philosophy of truth-focused, non-violent non-cooperation he called Satyagraha.


Why is he a Freedom Fighter?: Gandhi’s role in India’s freedom movement. He is revered by most people as a great hero who liberated over 300 million Indians and defeated a great empire. Albert Einstein paid tribute to the man: “Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth.”


Polynesian Panthers

  • Name: Polynesian Panthers
  • Location: Auckland, New Zealand
  • What did they want from New Zealand: The Polynesian Panther Party (PPP) was a revolutionary social justice movement formed to target racial inequalities carried out against indigenous Māori and Pacific Islanders in Auckland, New Zealand.
  • How did they go about getting it: In protest, Polynesian Panther members would organise “counter raids” on the homes of several prominent cabinet members who were in favour of the raids, by surrounding them with light and chanting with megaphones.
  • Why are they classes as Freedom Fighters?: The Aotearoa NZ Polynesian Panther Party was inspired by the American Black Panthers. The party was formed in 1971 in response to racism and oppression experienced by Pacific peoples. Find out more, and explore our collections and curated resources.


Science | 24


DNA Extraction


  1. Mush some banana (no skin) in a zip lock bag with a splash of water and a small teaspoon of salt.
  2. Strain the solution through a cloth into a beaker.
  3. Add a squirt of dishwashing liquid and stir.
  4. Pour into a test tube.
  5. Place the test tube in a beaker filled with WARM water.
  6. Leave for 10mins.
  7. Slowly pour 5mL of ethanol down the inside of the test tube.

Banana DNA extraction video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFD1gUHMYwU

“What did I learn from this experiment?”: How to extract dna from a banana.

“What’s the use of this dna extraction?”: We use bananas because they are octoploid and triploid.

Key Term Definitions:

DNA = The repeating units that DNA is made up of.

DOuble helix = A + T, G+C.

Nucleotide = The twisted ladder shape DNA forms.

Nucleotide bases = Carries the genetic information used for development and functioning of living things.

Complementary base-pairing rule= Chemicals that link together the sugar-phosphate backbone.


Year 10 Forces and Motion Assessment Task – Wind Racers


Include the following in your wind racer blog post

Aim: To get the fastest wind racer.

Equipment: Wind racer, stopwatch, big ol’ wind blower.

Method: We got the base then made a sail out of paper and cardboard then we stuck it on a bamboo stick.



Distance travelled (m) Time taken (s) Speed calculation (ms-1)
4.5m. 11.95s. 0.3765690377.



  • What are the forces acting on your wind racer? – speed.
  • Are they balanced/ unbalanced? – balanced.
  • What is net force and how does this relate to the forces acting on your wind racer? – unanswered .
  • What are the strength of forces acting on it at different stages? -unanswered.
  • How do the forces acting on the wind racer affect the motion of the wind racer at different points? – unanswered.
  • Why do you think results may vary in the class? – unanswered.



  • How was your wind racer successful/unsuccessful and why? – successful, because it didn’t fall over nor failed.
  • How could you improve it? – make it less heavy.


Wanganga | 24


Star Student: Delilah

Attendance: Your attendance has to be more then 85% or you can’t do sports or anything. – P.S im 100% attendance!!)

Social Media: Theres a ship acc and you need to ignore it, and if you get posted and feel ashamed you can go to the police.

Uniform  Expections: Need to have the correct uniform and shiny shoes, black and navy low cut socks.

Phones – Caught last week with phones: 1 warning is to put away your phone, 2nd warning the teacher will take it off you, 3rd warning a parent or caregiver will come down to the school and pick up your phone.

Devices – Chargers: You need a chromebook in all periods/class times and if your chromebook is flat ask somebody for a charger or give it to barry to charge it.

Reflection Time – 3 Lates, not upholding school values T3 at lunchtime.


Who are you?

The big 5 personalities

O – Openness

C – Conscientiousness

E – Extroversion

N – Neuroticism


How has your term been?

It’s been pretty stressful but we still living

What had made it good/bad?

It’s been pretty good my friends have made it enjoyable

What can you do next term to make things more succesful

Focus more on school


Gratitude Journal

An emotion you feel today?


A quote that inspires you or motivates you?

“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.”

Modern technology that makes your life easier

My phone

Something someone did for me?

made my day by buying me something from the cafe



1. Introduction: Write the sentence starter out or write your own introduction about this unit:

In my health class I have been looking over death and also how to cope with loss, grief and change. I have also been learning about service/therapy animals. I have enjoyed learning about these subjects because there’s been some interesting words or information I’ve never heard of in my life!

In Health we have been learning about service and therapy animals. We have learned about… (look through the slidedeck for ideas):

I have been looking over death and also how to cope with loss, grief and change. I have also been learning about service/therapy animals.

2. What is a service and therapy animal?:

A service animal is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities.

A therapy animal is there to help out people that cope with and can also help them recover from some physical and mental health conditions.

A service animal is: A service animal is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities.

A therapy animal is: A therapy animal is there to help out people that cope with and can also help them recover from some physical and mental health conditions.

The differences between them are: A service dog is for the people that have disabilities and a therapy animal is for people with mental health issues.

1. Introduction: Write the sentence starter out or write your own introduction about this unit:

In my health class I have been looking over death and also how to cope with loss, grief and change. I have also been learning about service/therapy animals. I have enjoyed learning about these subjects because there’s been some interesting words or information I’ve never heard of in my life!

In Health we have been learning about service and therapy animals. We have learned about… (look through the slidedeck for ideas):

I have been looking over death and also how to cope with loss, grief and change. I have also been learning about service/therapy animals.

I have small pictures(sorry couldn’t fit it properly) but it shows anxiety and some therapy animals.

I have small pictures(sorry couldn’t fit it properly) but it shows anxiety and some therapy animals.

2. What is a service and therapy animal?:

A service animal is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities.

A therapy animal is there to help out people that cope with and can also help them recover from some physical and mental health conditions.

A service animal is: A service animal is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities.

A therapy animal is: A therapy animal is there to help out people that cope with and can also help them recover from some physical and mental health conditions.

The differences between them are: A service dog is for the people that have disabilities and a therapy animal is for people with mental health issues.

3. State which conditions are eligible for a service or therapy animal in NZ:

Service Animal: Epilepsy, narcolepsy, diabetes, allergies causing anaphylaxis, Addisonian crisis and heart conditions.

Therapy Animal: Mood, anxiety and depression disorders

There are many conditions that are eligible for a therapy or a service animal in NZ such as:

Service Animal: Epilepsy, narcolepsy, diabetes, allergies causing anaphylaxis, Addisonian crisis and heart conditions.

Therapy Animal: Mood, anxiety and depression disorders





NT: “What was/am I thinking about when playing music?”

  • To be honest and to put it bluntly it always depends on the type of mood i’m in or song i’m listening to.


NT: “Do you/I think music helps me study?”

  • Yes but then I get really easily distracted if it’s a dancing song or something else.


NT:  “What kind of  music do you/I listen to when studying?”

  • I listen to either calm music or just play my normal playlist.


NT: “What research can you find around Music and studying?

  • Music can really motivate you into doing stuff important, it can improve your mood and help you relax. It can even help you focus so you can study or work, but different types of music can have different vibes and melodies.


Building a Sundial

Aim: Building a sundial.




  1. Cut around the outer edge of the Sundial diagram.
  2. Fold the centre vertical line up, and the 2 True South lines down to create a triangle (called the Gnomon) that stands vertically from the horizontal paper sundial face. Make sure the Gnomon stands vertically, at right angles to the sundial face.
  3. Place the Sundial flat and level, with the Gnomon (triangle) pointing toward True South for the Southern hemisphere.


Health – Service Animals/Therapy Animals

What is a Service Animal?: A service animal is individually trained to help out a specific person with like Autism, Fainting Disorders, Physical Disabilities and illnesses like Cancer. A service animal is mainly known to be a dog but however you can have animals like for a example, birds. You can train birds to help out and put them through th ekind of training service dog’s have to go through.

What is a Therapy Animal?: A therapy animal is trained to provide comfort, affection, support and love for children AND adults with a physical or an emotional disability. A therapy dog is not individually trained to help out just one person it is even known for therapy animals to go to rest homes and help out the elderly.

How does having a service animal help a person’s hauora/wellbeing?: Having a service animal can help support people with a wide range of dissabilities and also can help people out with depression and anxiety.






Questions I have/things I want to know Answers
Is there anybody that has actually got caught lying about having a disability in New Zealand? Yes
What New Zealand service animals are allowed?  According to google the only service animals that are rightfully allowed are “service dogs”
Are service animals allowed at school in New Zealand? Yes they can be but it also depends on the school rules and how bad the persons disability is
